Let’s face it. You want you for the
Often time we overthink our business. We want the perfect person out there.
Take it from me that we will continue to search forever, if we dont just make a
decision on someone who reaches a majority of what we are looking for.
We have a very solid process in place that allows for us as a team to mak
the right decisions. The decisions that need to be made with your company

goals in mind as well as selecting a person with a cohesive culture and
demeanor similar to that which you require.
I have looked for the perfect person to replace me and I have found
that it is so hard to do so! You have to start somewhere. That
somewhere is right here, having your first interview with someone
that we have hand selected based on important data from you. Atom
Are you stuck and need to have a better conversation with what is important?
Here is our step by step process that will get you the best return on your time.
> Fill out a small survey > Get a return call in 24 hours > speak about your
company goals and the right person for the job > Get a quote on that position
> get it paid for and give us a week or two to finalize your needs. Often times
we can find the right applicant much sooner. Let’s have a call today.
You need the right person for the job and we know
We could speak all day about what makes a perfect employee. We don’t have
that type of time and the importance is very low on the totem pole. We have
searchable categories that we have created where outsourced individuals go
through a vetting process even before we decide they are a fit for us or you.
Our VA staff can range from a general VA to a Real Estate VA. We have even
placed individuals in Solar engineering. You see the Philipines and other
nations have the same technical needs as we do. We are a good fit for what
you are looking for because we care about the details.
We are so confident that our vetting process for you is so well put together
that if you are not completely satisfied with who we placed you with, we will
give you a 90 day replacement guarantee and find you someone who fits
closer to your organizations needs



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